Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Why Education Systems Has Success, And The Lack Of The...

Erik Laursen Mrs. Siev English 11H 5/16/16 Title Part One: A few months ago I watched a controversial documentary by Michael Moore called â€Å"Where to Invade Next.† It discussed some of the flaws in America’s policies. A part that particularly stood out for me was when Michael Moore traveled to Finland to discover why the country frequently scored the highest in standardized test scores. The success appeared to derive from higher quality teachers and a creative curriculum. However, the film was not very thorough when describing the American system and it didn’t show any concrete evidence. As a result, I still had questions about why education systems had success, and the lack thereof in the United States. I started my research by looking at articles about America’s education system. I used the keywords â€Å"American education system,† â€Å"American education spending,† and â€Å"Global education rankings.† An article from the CBS News explained that the United States ranked first in spendi ng per student. However, an article from the Guardian showed that we were only 14th in education. This was intriguing because it raised questions of efficiency in our system and what other nations were doing better. In these articles that analyzed and ranked nations based on education I noticed that Finland and South Korea were frequently at the top of lists, so I used the search terms â€Å"Finland education system,† â€Å"Finland education reform,† â€Å"Finland grading,† and â€Å"South Korean education system.† TheShow MoreRelatedNational Debt Is Necessary For The Funding Of Federal Programs1210 Words   |  5 PagesState’s political system, but it affects one’s personal choices and lifestyle. There is a concern with where and why money is spent. 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