Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Cultural Background Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Cultural Background - Essay Example Furthermore the maintenance of a staple food, rice and beans with pork, reminds me of the local flavors and aromas native to my country. Btu I think what contributes the most to maintaining a connection to our cultural background seems to have already been established by previous generations of Puerto Ricans. Since Puerto Ricans have been arriving to this country since the 1800s, there has already been collective social action in advocating political and social rights and preserving the heritage. There are more stateside Puerto Ricans in the states; about four million since the beginning of the twenty-first century then there are in Puerto Rico since 2003. There are contributions in all fronts from the entertainment industry, the labor market, the political aspect, and integrating celebration of Puerto Rican culture whenever possible. Currently there are at least fifty Puerto Rican parades that can be participated in across the nation and the majority of Puerto Ricans live together i n small communities, the largest in New York City, keeping ties to the culture tight.

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